Wolfie cracks me up

Wolfie made me laugh today. (Who’s Wolfie?) I was working on my workshop, spent most of the day out there taping house wrap and screwing on joist hangers and stapling screen over the little ventilation holes at the ends of the rafter vents. Pure puttering. Mind wandering every which way. I got to thinking about my college soulmate who I’d just spoken to on the phone (he just installed a water heater at my house at Home 1), who told me some stuff about another college friend of ours, so my mind wanders to Continue reading

The health benefits of alcohol

In case you missed the news, the safe amount of alcohol ingestion is — none. Zero is the quantity that brings no health risks, and the risks start rising immediately thereafter. Read about it here, here, and here. It’s long been known what was wrong with those studies that appeared to show that moderate drinking was healthiest (they didn’t control for the reasons nondrinkers were drinking; lots of those reasons were likely causes of the nondrinking and were (or were related to) poor health of various kinds), but that analysis didn’t, shall we say, get a lot of media coverage.

Now, Continue reading

100% happy and loved, 100% exhausted

Took me a while, but here are my thoughts post-family-reunion…:

Family reunion over — boom! Trees were wonderful. We had “trophy” rainbow trout in the pond outside the cabin window. (Kids were apparently allowed to catch and release, but not big people.) I got good sleep. Talked to people I haven’t seen in many years.

It was very strange. I’d been steadily, mildly concerned about Continue reading


I’m in Wyoming for a family reunion. Been looking forward to this for months! My dad lives in a tiny town up in the mountains, and I grew up in a bigger town a couple of hours away out on the plains. The wide open. But I’m up here now, and I love the shade, the pine trees, the creek flowing by this little cabin where my partner and I are staying for the next three days.

Day 55 of no alcohol.

Half the family hardly drinks at all Continue reading